<p></p><p>产品优势/Product advantages</p><p>1、采用全新环保材料,安全环保。Using brand new environmentally friendly materials, safe and environmentally friendly.</p><p>2、产品为柔性材料,重量轻,铺装方便快捷。The product is made of flexible materials, light in weight, and convenient and quick to pave.</p><p>3、产品为一次成型。弹性和质量更稳定。The product is a one-time molding. The flexibility and quality are more stable.</p><p>4、主要材料为聚乙烯聚合物,产品不易腐烂和粉化,使用寿命长。The main material is polyethylene polymer, the product is not easy to rot and powder, and has a long service life.</p><p>5、产品采用闭孔聚合工艺,不易吸水。The product adopts closed-cell polymerization process, which is not easy to absorb water.</p><p>6、产品硬度适中,垂直变形量和减震性能更适合足球场。Product hardness, deformation and vertical cushioning properties more suitable for football fields.</p><p>7、产品长度可以根据场地进行定制,缩短了施工周期减少施工过程中的损耗。The product can be tailored to the length of the site, shorten the construction period to reduce losses during the construction.</p><p>8、采用特殊切孔,使得产品具有良好的透水性能和良好的尺寸稳定性能。Special cut holes are used to make the product have good water permeability and good dimensional stability.</p><p>9、与人造草坪配套使用,场地的震动吸收,垂直变形等运动性能可达FIFA技术标准。Used in conjunction with high-quality artificial turf, the field's vibration absorption, vertical deformation, ball rebound and other sports performance can reach FIFA technical standards.</p><br/>