产品详情 公司简介
飞机航煤喷油器油泵 电喷油嘴试验台;
This product is a comprehensive test platform integration, the use of automatic control, it is very convenient for Europe III or Europe IV fuel injector and high-pressure pump maintenance and testing, testing Including BOSCH, Delphi, DENSO, SIEMENS, Caterpillar and other hundreds of injector and high-pressure pump, and combined with the vehicle diagnostic apparatus perfect in the test, the customers at any time can use the test platform for fault diagnosis of vehicle , avoid the pipeline blockage or damage to precision coupling problems caused by plastic pipe aging, greatly improving the reliability of the test bench.After the upgrade, the machine can test more electric oil pump, such as VP37, VP44, Carter C7, C9(medium pressure common rail)series injector.
产 品 特 点
Integrated test bed. lntegrated automatic adjustment of rotational speed.oil pump and injector drive,automatic measurement of flow.
Selection of Imported high precision sensor,can accurately measure the various states of the oil pump and injector,and can combine the standard database automatically generated test report.
Using intelligent algorithm ,can automatically calibrate the new injector oil quantity and input database.
The use of integrated industrial control module,equipped with standard computer monitors, mouse and keyboard, easy to operate.
In addition to common rail maintenance.can choose car fault diagnosis instrument,maintenance data query,sensor,actuator test and other related additional functions.
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