产品详情 公司简介
广州市三牛货架有限公司,生产定制服装货架,饰品货架,服装货架产品现货:KKV货架,FUNLINK乐遇货架,KM男装货架,卡门服装货架,快时尚男装货架,HM男装货架,GXG男装货架,GAP男装货架,ZARA男装货架,ZARA女装货架,博斯绅威男装货架,迪柯尼男装货架,路卡迪龙男装货架, 佛伦斯男装货架,迪莱男装货架,卡奴迪路男装货架,佛伦迪奴男装货架,NOME家居货架,NOME女装货架,oce家居货架,饰品货架现货:伶俐饰品货架,lenle饰品货架,绿党饰品货架,名创优品货架,恋慧优品货架,尚优凡品货架,韩尚优品货架,遇见你的美饰品货 架,三福货架,The green party饰品货架,哎呀呀饰品货架,2元店货架,9.9饰品货架,2358韩国休闲百货货架,母婴店货架,家纺货架,更多货架生产定制广州市三牛货架
Guangzhou sanniu shelf Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of customized clothing shelves, jewelry shelves, clothing shelves. Products in stock: KKV shelves, funlink Leyu shelves, KM men's shelves, Carmen clothing shelves, fast fashion men's shelves, HM men's shelves, GXG men's shelves, gap men's shelves, Zara men's shelves, Zara women's shelves, bossenway men's shelves, dikoni men's shelves, Lucadilon men's wear shelf, Florence men's wear shelf, Dilai men's wear shelf, kanudi road men's wear shelf, Florentino men's wear shelf, Nome home shelf, Nome women's wear shelf, OCE home shelf, jewelry shelf in stock: Lingli jewelry shelf, lenle jewelry shelf, green party decoration shelf, mingchuang Youpin shelf, Lianhui Youpin shelf, shangyoufan product shelf, hanshang Youpin shelf, Meet your beauty jewelry shelf, Sanfu shelf, the Green Party Jewelry shelf, ah ah jewelry shelf, 2 yuan store shelf, 9.9 jewelry shelf, 2358 Korean leisure department store shelf, mother and baby store shelf, home textile shelf, more shelf production customized Guangzhou sanniu shelf
KKV has a large area and eye-catching bright yellow color, which attracts people to step in and have a look. When I approached, I couldn't help but stare and tongue tied - above the store door, it was clear that there was a large, bright yellow container. In the bright store, it has become a unique scenery. KKV has achieved product diversification, achieved new breakthroughs, integrated with this generation, and connected new people and new brands with new logic.
联系人:古经理 微信 (电话):13066350120
Contact:manager gu Wechat(mobile):13066350120
Address:605b, building 3, Shijing international building, No. 86, shisha Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
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