1:70模型尺寸:模型展开机身长度: 340mm 机翼展开:235mm 底座与风缩管高度:260mm 模型活动部位 驾驶舱盖:可上下活动打开 机身降落伞盖:可以打开 垂直翼定位向: 可左右活动 前鸭翼: 可活动 左右机翼: 可折叠.
Two yellow J-15 fighter models
Material: Alloy
Scale: 1:70
Size: unfolded fuselage length: 340mm; unfolded wing: 235mm; maximum height from base to flexible tube: 260mm;
Movable parts: cockpit canopy: opened up and down; fuselage parachute canopy: operable; vertical stabilizer mount: movable left and right; canard: movable; left and right wings: foldable.
济南航宇模型有限公司批发、定制 、零售:陆、海、空各种型号的合金仿真军事模型!直升机模型、客机模型,可根据客户的要求在模型上印字和印刷LOGO!联系人李经理:18753126686。
Jinan Aerospace Model Co., Ltd. is engaged in the wholesale, customization and resale of various alloy military models in the fields of land, sea and air! The models of helicopter and passenger airplane can be printed with letters and LOGO as required by the clients.
Contact: Mr. Li, 18753126686.