产品详情 公司简介
(2) 升级喷油器一键冲洗功能,方便、快捷、简化测试流程。
(3) 可标准测试共轨喷油器的高压密封性、全负荷喷油量、回油量、排放点喷油量、怠速喷油量、预喷射量、预喷射回油量。
(4) 可自动生成喷油器油量校正QI码。
(5) 喷油器电磁阀衔铁升程测试。
(6) 电控共轨喷油器开启压力测试、开启脉宽测试、相应时间测试。
(7) 电控共轨喷油器电磁阀的电阻值和电感值的测试
(8) 可手动对进行测试的喷油器进行喷油特性的编辑测试。
(9) 测试流程可根据实际情况自行选择,自动生成测试数据报告。
(1) Electric control common rail injector brands that can be tested: BOSCH, DENSO, DELPHI, CATERPILLAR, CUMMINS, SIMENS.
(2) Upgraded one-key clean the fuel injector function, convenient, efficient and simplifies the test process.
(3) It can accurately test the high-pressure sealing, full-load fuel injection volume, fuel return volume, discharge point fuel injection volume, idle fuel injection volume, pre-injection volume, and pre-injection fuel return volume.
(4) It can automatically generate fuel quantity correction codes for common rail injectors: QR, IQA, IMA, ISA, c2i, c3i, (VD0) ICC.
(5) Armature lift test of the solenoi13854822395d valve of the injector.
(6) The electric control common rail injector opening pressure test, the opening pulse width test, and the response time test.
(7) Test of resistance value and inductance value of solenoid valve of electronically controlled common rail injector.
(8) It can manually edit the injection characteristics of the injector to be tested.
(9) The test process can be selected according to the actual situation, and the test data report can be automatically generated.
(10) It can display 6 sets of test data at the same time, which is convenient for data comparison.
(11) Judging the damaged parts of the electrically controlled common rail injector by itself according to the information of fuel quantity at various working points and interface prompts.
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